Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (2024)

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (1)

You arrive to a battle with some Bandits, and a couple of Shadows. Open the chest hidden in the corner to get a Mega-Potion, then go into the Storage room.

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Inside is a save point and two chests. The one behind the barrel holds another Mega-Potion, while the other one is inaccessible until you can use the Green Trinity. You can also break the pots in here, and throughout Agrabah, for some munny.

Back in the Plaza, head through the doorway to the Main Street for more Bandits, Shadows, and Pot Spiders. Use the doorway to enter the Alleyway for a scene. Agrabah is added to the Journal, as are Jasmine, Jafar, and Iago.

Jump up to the level where Jafar was standing and open the chest to get a Mega-Potion. Examine the nearby keyhole to make some shutters open up and act as platforms to get across the gap. Go through the door here to get to Main Street. Leap from the pink awning across to the yellow one, then from there to the multi-colored awnings. Inside the little doorway is a post that Sora can climb that leads to Aladdin's House.

There are two small green chests to open in here. Pick up the Megalixir, and Scissors-G, then Move the small wardrobe against the wall for another keyhole. Release this one as well, then Move the other wardrobe off of Carpet. Take the stairs out to the Plaza, then re-enter Aladdin's House to find the peddler. You can buy and sell some items from him if you need.

From the Plaza, exit out to the Desert, then go on a ride with Carpet. Fight off some Heartless to save the street rat from his fate. During the scenes, Aladdin, Genie, Abu, and Carpet are added to the Journal. Aladdin is a great companion, so consider putting him in the party. Upon returning to Agrabah, a Fat Bandit will spawn, along with others. These guys are basically just re-skinned Large Bodies, but they also have a flame breath attack.

The main pathway is blocked off, so jump up the boxes in the corner to get to a higher level. Open the chest for a Mega-Ether, then jump across the awnings to find a doorway to the Alley. Follow the same path back to Main Street, and jump across to the yellow awning again. Return to Aladdin's House to use the save point, and a scene, then get back to the awnings. Opposite Aladdin's House is a now open door to the Bazaar and a Mega-Ether in a chest.

Defeat the enemies here, then jump across the shutters. Grab the Thundara-G from the chest, then climb even higher and jump across a gap to get a Fire Ring. On the other side of this chest is a keyhole to Release. It opens the gate by the yellow awnings, so head back that direction and go through to the Palace Gates. After the scenes is a fight against the Pot Centipede.

Boss: Pot Centipede

Drops: Ray of LightStart by attacking the Centipede's tail, and with enough hits the whole creature will break apart. Destroy as many of the pots as you can before it reforms, then chase it down as it runs away through the city.

The Agrabah entry in Chronicles updates here. There are chests in this area, but you don't have the abilities to access them yet. Do as Aladdin says, and return to the desert via Carpet. Make sure you bring Aladdin with you. There are several treasures that require Abu to get. You'll miss out on Trinities, but we will come back for them later anyway.

You now get the coolest fight in Agrabah, against the corrupted cave mouth.

Boss: Tiger Head

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (2)

I really don't know what to call it, there's no Journal entry or anything.

Unfortunately for you, the only weak spots on the tiger are its eyes, and the head moves around almost constantly. Throw in some Heartless that will absolutely try to stop Sora from getting to the eyes, and you have probably the most annoying boss battle yet. You can wait for the head to chomp the ground, which lets Sora jump on top, or try to climb up the back of it to access the eyes.

The eyes will shoot out homing orbs of energy, much like the Darkside boss from Destiny Islands. Hitting them gets Tech Points, which is nice, and clearing an eye stops it from shooting out more orbs. Much like the various Armor enemies, you need to clear the corruption from both eyes individually.

Aero is wonderful here, as it blocks most of the damage from the orbs, although you should also be blocking to reflect them back.

After the battle, you can enter the tiger's mouth to get to the Cave of Wonders.

The upper floor of the cave has a lot of dark space where a floor should be. If you fall down here, or take any of the stairs, you will appear in the lower level, which is a series of waterways. This can be somewhat confusing to navigate and get all the treasure, so take your time and watch which doorways you go through.

Drop off here at the start. You will land in the Relic Chamber. Only one of the chests is reachable right now, and it holds a Thunder Ring. Focus on the statue with the jewel and Call Abu to move a block out. Head through the opening to the Dark Chamber and jump across the small gap for a Meteor-G.

Drop into the water and swim towards the waterfall to go up it. Call Abu at the next statue to lower another block, and open the chest for a Protera Chain. Swim to the next landing to get the Torn Page (01/05). From the save point you can just reach the platform with the next chest, which holds a Cottage. Swim up this next waterfall to the Silent Chamber.

Swim down the waterfall in this area and Touch the statue to open a door. (This is prep work for hunting collectibles later; no point not doing it now!) Go back up the waterfall, and go through the doorway to the Hidden Room. Ascend the small flight of stairs and lock on to the pillar in the center of the room. Hit it with Fire for a scene.

Use the waterways to return to the Relic Chamber, and from there back up to the Entrance.

Move through this room, fighting Heartless as they spawn, and grab a Mega-Ether from the chest on a ledge. Follow the path into the Hall. Follow the path, but stop when you get to the heads that spew water. Use the heads to access the ledge above, and open the chest to get an Elixir. Before going into the Bottomless Hall, turn around and jump on the ledges to get higher up. There is a slightly hidden ledge off to the left of the doorway that holds a chest. Open it for a Mythril Shard.

The water heads are back in the Bottomless Hall, and will push you off the ledge to the waterways below if you aren't careful. The ledge above them has a Cottage in a chest. Descend into the Treasure Room next.

Call Abu at the statue next to the save point to access a chest, and open it for a Thundaga-G. Next to that statue is a green chest on top of a fireplace. Sora can just catch the ledge by jumping up to it. Take the Defense Up, then turn around and jump to the red chest for another Mythril Shard. Jump over to the ledges above the door you came in by, and open this green chest for puppies no. 37/38/39.

Use the save point and walk through the door to the Lamp Chamber. Up next is a weirdly annoying - but not that difficult - fight against Jafar and the Genie.

Boss: Jafar & Genie

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (3)

Despite being told to attack you, Genie is technically your friend. Each time he hits Sora, HP orbs appear, but it usually isn't enough to make up for the damage his attack did. Genie will constantly fly up to Sora throughout the fight.

Jafar, on the other hand, will constantly fly away. You need to chase him to each of the platforms he stops at, and get as many hits in as possible before he flies away again.

Keep out of the center of the area, as Jafar will cast a blizzard storm around it. He also shoots a laser from his staff, and can set the staff on fire to do melee attacks. If he gets surrounded, he will often use a burst attack to clear out some space.

Defeating Jafar upgrades Blizzard to Blizzara. Before checking on Jasmine by the Keyhole, return to the Treasure Room and save. When you go for the princess, Jafar reappears. Jump into the hole in the ground to fight him in his new form, Jafar-Genie.

Boss: Jafar-Genie & Iago

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (4)

Drops: Ansem's Report 1Jafar is far more of a stage hazard here than an actual threat. He will throw large balls of magma, swipe with a fiery fist, and is mostly unreachable with regular attacks. Instead, you want to lock on to Iago, and attack Jafar's lamp.

The depressions on either side of the starting platform have levels that rise and fall. You can use these to chase Iago as he flies back and forth across the stage. You want to keep as close to the bird as possible, as he will get tired and temporarily drop the lamp.

Defeating Jafar-Genie upgrades Fire to Fira. He also drops Ansem's Report 1. Jasmine will be kidnapped, and Sora will seal the Keyhole.

In order to escape the crumbling Cave, Sora and Aladdin must ride Carpet through an on-rails section. It is impossible to die during this sequence.

After a few scenes, Sora gains Genie's help as a summon, and receives the Three Wishes Keyblade and the ability to use Green Trinities from Aladdin. Agrabah gets it's final entry in Chronicles, and Maleficent, Aladdin, Genie, and Jafar will all get an update. Ansem's Report now appears in the Journal as well, and you can read the first one now.

The city is temporarily free of the Heartless, and if you explore you can meet a few people. None of them have anything particularly interesting to say. Use any save point to return to the gummi ship and unlock an Achievement.

  • Magic Lamp

    Seal the keyhole in Agrabah.

    Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (5)

    2 guidesGuide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (6)Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (7)Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (8)

There will also be a quick exchange between Goofy and Sora where they talk about returning to Traverse Town. Using the Green Trinity in the Accessory Shop unlocks the Synthesis Shop above it, and bringing the Torn Page to Merlin will unlock another location within the Hundred Acre Wood. Please see the KH1: Synthesis Guide and KH1: Hundred Acre Wood pages for more detail.

The Item Shop will also have an increased inventory. You should pick up the Shooting Star, Magus Staff, and Silver Mallet for Donald, and the Gigas Fist, Mythril Shield, and Golem Shield for Goofy.

Whenever you are ready, set off from Agrabah and head to the southern location on the World Map. You will soon be swallowed up by the whale, Monstro.


Start by landing at Agrabah: Storage, and use the Green Trinity to get an AP Up. Leave the storage room and climb all the way to the top of the Plaza. There is a locked chest you can now reach that holds a Cottage. If you unlocked the small keyhole in Aladdin's House, you can go through a door up here to Main Street.

Use the boxes right in front of Sora to jump up to the highest ledge. There is a chest across a small gap that holds a Dark Matter. Turn right and Glide across most of the area to find another chest, this one with a Mythril inside. Drop down from here and take the door into the Bazaar. There is a Blue Trinity on the ground level. Use it to get a bunch of munny and a Mega-Ether.

Enter the Palace Gates and jump up to the roofs of the shops to the left. There is a Protera Chain in the chest up here. Keep climbing to find two more chests. They hold puppies no. 52/53/54 and an Osmose-G. That's everything in the city, so head out to the Desert to fly to the Cave of Wonders.

Right after entering through the tiger's mouth, use the White Trinity to get an Ifrit Belt from a chest. With a combination of High Jump and Glide, Sora can get to the chest sitting on top of a pillar at the other side of the area. It holds puppies no. 49/50/51. Use the door to the Hall.

About half way through this place is a Yellow Trinity next to a large pot. Push the pot down to the lower level, then Glide across to the stairway on the far wall. This leads to the Bottomless Hall, and a chest with a Mega-Potion. Push the square block off the ledge, then carefully Glide out over the abyss towards the other chest you can see. It holds an Elixir.

Take the next doorway down into the Treasure Room and use the Red Trinity to drop a Mythril Shard and some munny from the ceiling. Leave the Treasure Room and drop down into the Silent Chamber. Use the Blue Trinity for a Thundara-G, then use the pot Sora pushed down earlier to access the Hidden Room. Touch the red gem to open a door. Glide out to the left of the statue to find the two revealed chests, and open them for puppies no. 46/47/48 and a Haste2-G.


In Agrabah, visit the Palace Gates for a chance to find the Pot Scorpion. It drops a Mythril Stone when defeated.

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (9)

When you enter the Palace Gates, you should see 12 pots lined up in three rows. One of these in the Pot Scorpion. In order to get the Heartless to attack, you need to break the other 11 pots first. Have Sora, Donald, and Goofy push up against each pot, one by one. If the pot moves, it is just a normal pot and you should break it. If the pot does not move when pushed against, it is the Pot Scorpion.

There is a small chance than an extra Mythril Stone will drop when breaking the extra pots. I saw it happen once during my item farming.

When the scorpion finally attacks, it is completely invincible. It runs around the plaza shooting globs of poison all around. These cause damage when touched, and will stop whatever action Sora is in the middle of, including attacking.

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (10)

You need to wait until the Pot Scorpion attacks with it's claws or charges at Sora and Guard at just the right time. This will momentarily stun the scorpion, allowing Sora to attack it. It takes two or three cycles to kill the Heartless, depending on how fast you can get to it and deal damage.

Unfortunately, the Mythril Stone is not a guaranteed item drop. You need a total of 8 Mythril Stones to complete all synthesis items.


You can first attempt to defeat this boss after sealing the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion. The earliest I advise attempting this is level 65+. This guide assumes you are doing this after completing all synthesis recipes.

Visit Aladdin's House to find Carpet hopping about. Interact with Carpet and it will take you to a battle arena against Kurt Zisa (Heartless 56/57).

Kurt has two distinct phases, separated by a period where Sora can attack it's head for damage. Phase 1 locks Sora and Donald out of using magic, which means you can't heal. Getting through this phase requires Sora to destroy the two glowing orbs around Kurt's hands. When each one is destroyed, several large HP orbs will drop.

Phase 2 sees Kurt Zisa envelop itself in a large bubble, rendering it immune to physical attacks. Kurt will also spend this entire phase flying away from Sora. It attacks by sending tendrils into the ground that erupt and deal damage unless Sora is moving out of the way.

Only magic attacks will damage to bubble barrier, so spam Thunder or Blizzard here. Each instance of damage on the barrier drops MP orbs, allowing you to cast pretty much relentlessly.

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (11)

Kurt Zisa

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (12)

Attack the hands

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (13)

Use magic against the barrier

Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (14)

Attack the head to deal damage

After the first two phases are complete, Kurt will start again at Phase 1, except it's attacks will start to come much faster, and it has more. Specifically, Kurt will fly up into the air and do horizontal and vertical spin attacks. It is important that you summon Tinker Bell during the second opportunity to deal damage directly to Kurt's head. This will guarantee Sora can stay alive long enough to make it through the more vicious Phase 1 and 2. Speaking of Phase 2, Kurt will cast more spells, and they will often home in on Sora. Having Tinkerbell isn't as necessary here, but still incredibly helpful, as she allows you to focus on casting offensive spells instead of healing.

Defeating Kurt Zisa unlocks Ansem's Report 11, as well as an Achievement.

  • The Sandy Blade

    Defeat Kurt Zisa in Agrabah.

    Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (15)

    1 guideGuide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (16)Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (17)

11. KH1: Monstro9. KH1: Deep Jungle

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Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX (2024)
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