25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (2024)

Seasoned travelers pick up their own arsenal of tricks to ensure their travels are smooth and easy. From a packing hack that saves space in your luggage or a mobile app that helps cut down on time in the airport, there's a number of unique tips that can help you have a fantastic trip. Whether you're an experienced traveler or are embarking on your first vacation in a while, here are 25 travel tips that will make your vacation stress-free.

Print Out Important Documents

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (1)

These days, it’s normal to rely on your phone for getting around. But when you travel, that dependence comes with a risk. Your phone battery might die, or, if you're traveling internationally or in a remote area, your cell signal may not be quite as strong as it is back home. If you're using maps on a phone or other device, take screenshots before you head out, in case you lose signal. But to fully secure yourself, go old school and print out a map. This also goes for your itineraries, schedules, reservations, or any other important information you may need.

Read the Local News

It's tempting to completely disconnect from the real world while you're on vacation. But you will want to keep up with the news, especially in the destinations you're visiting, so you can stay safe during an emergency. If you don't know the local language, consider downloading an app like OZZI, which tracks international alerts to keep travelers informed of developing threats.


25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (2)

It should come as no surprise that airplane travel is a dehydrating experience, but did you know that dehydration affects more than just your thirst levels and skin appearance? Dehydration can increase the effects of jet lag since the high altitude of the pressurized cabin lowers oxygen levels in the blood. This makes it even more difficult for your circadian rhythm to make the adjustment. Staying hydrated keeps the blood flowing at an even pace and smooths out the transition.

Bring a First Aid Kit

Pack a small first aid kit with the essentials — bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain medication, and antidiarrheals for easy access if you get hurt or fall ill on the road. If you’re traveling through villages or remote areas, these basic items won’t be readily available. And if you're in a city with higher tax rates, you might save money by purchasing these items at home.

Pack One Complete Outfit in Your Carry On

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (3)

If you plan on checking your bags, then be sure to pack one complete outfit in your carry on in case your baggage is delayed. This way, you’ll have a spare set of clean clothing ready to go. Even if your bags make it safely, accidents can happen while in transit, and you'll have a nice clean shirt handy for any spills that may occur.

Back Up Critical Documents

Scan and store copies of your passport and identification cards in a cloud-based folder so they're accessible should they be stolen. Having copies on hand will significantly expedite the process of replacing your stolen documents. The same goes for itineraries and reservation information.

Bring Several Different Forms of Money

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (4)

Not having access to money can put anyone in a bind so be sure to bring more than one form. Certain debit or credit cards may not work in the destination you’re visiting so you’ll want to bring a backup or two. Keep an emergency card somewhere other than your wallet and carry some local cash as well. Store bundles of cash in multiple places, including your carry-on, a checked bag, and somewhere on your person. That way, if you’re separated from your luggage, you won’t lose all your budgeted money.

Become a Loyalty Member

Frequent fliers should pick one airline and stick to it in order to accumulate points. Earning status with a particular airline yields results such as free upgrades. Similarly, earn points with a chosen hotel chain and you’re more likely to be upgraded to a venue’s best available room upon check-in.

Learn the Language

Pick up key phrases in the language of the country you’re about to visit. By learning how to thank someone or ask where the bathroom is in the local language, you show respect as a tourist. You don't need to be completely fluent, though. Bring along a translator app to help you navigate the more complicated requests.

Get Familiar with the State Department

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (5)

Before stepping onto new land, do some research. You don't need to learn the entire history of your destination, but it helps to at least know some information in case of an emergency. A lot of what you're looking for is available through the U.S. State Department. Where is the nearest U.S. embassy? What phone number is used for emergency services? Are there any neighborhoods to avoid? Write down or save that information and keep it on you at all times while traveling. You should also register with the U.S. Embassy if you're traveling overseas using the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).

Bring Travel Size Laundry Detergent

In order to avoid high laundry fees at hotels, carry a few travel size detergent packets so you have the option of doing your own laundry in the bathroom sink of your hotel room. This works especially well if you just need a few more pairs of clean socks and underwear during your trip.

Keep an Emergency Card Accessible

Write down (ideally, laminated and also on your phone) a list of emergency contacts as well as any medical conditions, health issues, medications, or allergies you may have. Keep the printed copy with your ID in case of an emergency. It's also not a bad idea to look up the translation of any medical considerations ahead of time, in case you need to quickly convey information to a foreign official.

Beat Jet Lag

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (6)

When the plane takes off, set your watch to your destination’s local time and stay awake until an appropriate bedtime. Similarly, when you arrive at your destination, refrain from taking a nap until the sun goes down in order to reset your internal sleep clock. If you're struggling to adjust to your new time zone, melatonin supplements can help.

Bring Ear Plugs

If you’re a budget backpacker roughing it in twenty-bed dorm hostels, there’s bound to be at least one snorer who will keep the room awake throughout the night. Bring ear plugs to ensure you catch some Z’s. We even found you an inexpensive pair with over 2,000 five-star reviews on Amazon.

Get TSA PreCheck or Global Entry

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (7)

It requires extra leg work, but signing up for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry is one of the best ways to sail through security lines at the airport. TSA PreCheck is explicitly meant to speed up the airport security process. You'll need to apply online, then in person, and it costs you $85 for a five-year membership. Global Entry is a different program meant to make it easier and quicker to move through customs when re-entering the United States. This will cost you $100, which might sound like a lot, but there's a bonus: Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck. If you think you may fly internationally, it's generally worth the extra $15 for the extra convenience. Not only will you get through security faster, but you'll bypass the lengthy U.S. customs line when you return from that fabulous trip abroad.

Bring an External Phone Battery and Power Strip

Bring an external phone battery to keep your mobile charged especially if you rely on Google Maps to navigate new cities. It’ll also save you when your mobile shuts down just before you show your cab driver the address of your final destination. Another great tool to bring is a power strip is a tool, which will make you instant friends at a hostel or while waiting for your flight at the airport. When there’s only one available outlet but a dozen people needing to recharge, you’ll be an instant hero with a small power strip.

Use Recyclable Bags

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (8)

For avid hostellers, pack your items in a tote bag instead of plastic bags. Aside from being more environmentally friendly, if you need to rummage through your backpack early in the morning or late at night, using a tote will save you from making lots of rustling noises that’s sure to wake your roommates.

Be Nice to Gate Agents

In the event that you miss your flight or there’s a delay, gate agents are likely the first people you turn to in order to be rebooked or rerouted. They handle numerous complaints filed by impatient travelers throughout the day, and understandably will not sympathize if you’re rude. Ask politely for help and you’re much more likely to receive a stay at a hotel or a seat on a reassigned flight.

Pre-download Entertainment

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (9)

Don’t depend on free Wi-Fi to help stock your movie collection at the gate. Often times the network is too slow for downloading. Make sure you’ve got your favorite series and films ready to roll so you can block out the chaos around you. Same goes for non-digital entertainment. Don't wait to buy a book or magazine at a store in the airport. Not only will these be marked up with airport prices, but you'll risk running late or losing your seat at the gate.

Talk to the Locals

Locals are experts on the destination you’re visiting, so don’t be afraid to befriend some and ask for suggestions on what to do or where to eat. They often know better than the guide books on where to uncover hidden gems and get off the beaten path. You must first know the people to know the country.

On Rental Cars

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (10)

Rent from an establishment a short cab ride away from the airport instead of picking up your vehicle directly at the airport to save up some serious cash. Airport rentals inflate their prices due to high demand and convenience, so search for a pick up location that’s just a few minutes down the road to save big, and be sure to book your car with a credit card that offers good rental car insurance.

Airport Currency Exchanges

Redditors recommend visiting a local bank or withdrawing money from an ATM instead of exchanging money at the currency exchange when you land at the airport, as it charges a hefty fee. If prompted at an ATM, always carry out the transaction in the local currency to avoid incurring unfavorable exchange rates set by the bank.

Don’t Check Bags

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (11)

If you can, pack light and travel with a carry-on only. Not only does that prevent the airline from losing your luggage, but traveling with a carry-on also eliminates the need to wait for your bags at the carousel after a long flight. If you miss a connecting flight or wish to catch an earlier one, then you don’t have to worry about arriving to your destination without your checked luggage. With a carry-on, you’re able to deplane and hop into a cab for your accommodation without skipping a beat.

Act Like a Local

Not a tourist. Dive into the daily life of locals by visiting supermarkets when traveling internationally. In destinations where supermarkets are geared towards middle class shoppers, then opt to visit marketplaces. Though it sounds mundane, you get to observe and understand the popular local ingredients and common dishes of the destination you’re in.

Keep Records of Your Rides

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (12)

Always double-check your Uber driver's name and license plate before getting inside of a vehicle. If you take a taxi, text or take a photo of the taxi ID number. These won't just keep you safe, they'll also come in handy if you leave something behind in the car.

Featured image credit: SimonSkafar/ iStock

All featured products and deals are selected independently and objectively by the author. The Discoverer may receive a share of sales via affiliate links in content.

25 Tips That Will Change the Way You Travel (2024)


How can traveling change you as a person? ›

It gives you a new perspective

It provides a new way to perceive life, who you are, and how you spend your time. When you travel, you meet new people, cultures, experience new things, embark on all sorts of adventures (good and bad), and perhaps even redefine your meaning of life.

What are the three most important travel tips you consider before traveling? ›

Short Travel Tips
  • Research your destination and create a list of things you want to do ahead of time so you won't waste any time when you get there.
  • Don't pack too much. ...
  • Traveling by car? ...
  • Choose your accommodations wisely. ...
  • Since you're not traveling far, consider taking the scenic route or traveling by train.

How can I make travel more efficient? ›

7 Ways to Make Traveling More Efficiently
  1. Get Global Entry and TSA PreCheck. ...
  2. Just Take a Carry-On. ...
  3. Get Any Relevant Apps Ahead of Time. ...
  4. Take What You Need for Sleep. ...
  5. Make a Plan. ...
  6. Budget Your Trip Ahead of Time. ...
  7. Get Purchases Shipped Home.
Mar 16, 2022

What ways do you travel? ›

Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.

What influences a person to travel? ›

The factors that affect people's decisions to travel include age, gender, income, work status, education level, family size, cost, and availability of travel modes. The factors that affect people's decisions to travel include the role of media, safety and security, terrorism, and perceived risk.

How does travel affect you as a person? ›

Getting out and exploring the world can boost your creativity. People who travel more can come up with diverse ideas. Exposure to new cultures, making international friends, studying new languages, and taking in different types of food and music have been linked to better problem-solving skills.

What are 5 ways to travel? ›

5 Cheap Ways to Travel Around the US
  • Use smaller regional airports over national ones. These domestic airports tend to have cheaper airfares. ...
  • If you're going a long distance, trains tend to be cheaper than flights. ...
  • Use credit cards for more daily transactions. ...
  • Take a bus. ...
  • Rent a car rather than drive your own.
Mar 23, 2024

What is the best method of travel? ›

In most cases, planes are the quickest and most convenient way to travel across the country, transforming an otherwise day-long road trip into a few hours. You'll also typically find multiple options for arrival and departure dates to fit your ideal schedule.

What would make traveling easier? ›

Pack Your Luggage Wisely

Less is more when it comes to belongings. Always prepare a luggage list before you travel and only take what you really need. This way, you can avoid the burden of heavy luggage and will not struggle to find the essentials.

How to travel meaningfully? ›

Avoid comparing yourself to others

It's natural to compare ourselves to others, but meaningful travel means making the most of your experience. You don't have to do all the same things other people are doing for it to be a successful trip. Forge your own path, and find your own things to love about your destination.

How can we improve travel? ›

10 Steps to Improve Your Travel Experience
  3. GET LOST!

What is the safest way to travel? ›

Is flying really the safest mode of transportation? Any certified aircraft dispatcher who has completed rigorous training and passed comprehensive tests will affirm that it is extremely safe. Sheffield School of Aeronautics explains why. Flying is considered the safest mode of transportation.

How do you travel properly? ›

40 Best Travel Tips For Beginners: Everything You Need To Get...
  1. Only Bring What You Need. Pack only the essentials. ...
  2. Learn To Pack Clothes Efficiently. ...
  3. Put Your Liquids Inside Airtight Bags. ...
  4. A Daypack For Exploration. ...
  5. Research, Research, Research. ...
  6. Always Stay Flexible. ...
  7. Eat And Drink Like A Local. ...
  8. Make New Friends.
Oct 16, 2023

What brings you to travel? ›

Travel to escape reality

It gives us absolute freedom to live in the moment and it allows us to be anyone, to go anywhere and to do anything. The best part of my six-month trip around the world, way back when, was the freedom of being able to just wake up and pick a spot anywhere on the map and find a way to get there.

How does traveling shape you as a person? ›

You'll be exposed to a new language, food, culture, and even new ways of thinking and living. Travel can also make you realize that you have to listen to the different voices, beliefs, and values around you. Embracing new things will lead you to be more open-minded, and help you acquire a new meaning of life.

How does travel impact your identity? ›

Certain constraints are taken away and you can see things differently — especially if you have the ability to visit places that are very different from home, where people are living very different lifestyles to yours. It's an opportunity to be exposed to different possibilities for yourself.

How does Travelling help you grow as a person? ›

Travelling can help you to develop empathy and understanding for others. Experiencing different cultures and ways of life can help you to appreciate the diversity of the world and the challenges that people face.

How does traveling make you a better person? ›

Because travel forces us to “escape the insulation of our comfort zone,” as Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times put it, and to encounter new people and new situations in the real world, it strengthens our ability to empathize with a broader range of people.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.